1. Name
The organization shall be called
The SATURN V Association of gymnastic and trampolining clubs,
hereinafter referred to as “Saturn V”.
2. Aims
The aims shall be:
- To pursue fulfillment of the individual by developing personal qualities, attitudes and social skills through structured and progressive activities in Gymnastics, Trampolining and related aspects of gymnastics such as Rebound Therapy for all participants.
- To help participants to progress through the development plan and complete each graded level, subject to their ability.
- To encourage and enable participants to have a goal to work towards at all times.
- To provide an enjoyable, health giving and worthwhile recreational activity for all participants.
3. Powers
The management committee has the power to raise funds and receive contributions and do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives.
4. Membership
Saturn V caters for and offers membership to all members of society without discrimination against gender, previous experience, race, origin, creed or physical or mental ability, subject to the availability of suitable vacancies and maintaining standards of safety.
5. Management
- Saturn V clubs are individually owned and run and shall be administered by the management committee.
- The officers of the management committee shall consist of the following: Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary.
- All 3 members of the management committee need to be present at committee meetings in order to form a quorum.
6. Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting will be held in July or August each year.
At this meeting the accounts and forecasts are presented and discussed and fees are determined for the coming 12 months from September.
The AGM requires a minimum of 6 to form a quorum; 3 of whom must be the management committee.
Representatives of all user groups are to be invited to the AGM.
7. Extra-ordinary General Meeting
The Management Committee has the right to call Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) outside of the AGM. An EGM shall be called by the Secretary within 14 days of a request to that effect from the committee.
8. Dissolution
A resolution to dissolve the association can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of those present. In the event of dissolution, all property bought with grant aid becomes the property of the donator unless otherwise agreed.
9. Finance
- The treasurer will keep accurate accounts detailing all income received and payments made on behalf of the association.
- The treasurer and the chairperson are authorised to sign cheques and only these two officers can issue instructions to the bank.
- The treasurer will have the association's annual accounts independently checked by a qualified accountant.